
JengaoniPhoneintroducesabrandnewmode:JengaArcade.Matchcolorsforextrapointsandscoremultipliersbymovingfast–butdon'ttopplethetower!,Agamewhereplayerstaketurnstoremovewoodenblocksfromastackformedbrickwise,theloserbeingtheplayerwhoseactionscausethetowertofall.( ...,JengaforiPhone,freeandsafedownload.Jengalatestversion:Takeyourtowertothenextlevel.BringingthemagicofthepopularpuzzlegameJenga.,层层叠...


Jenga on iPhone introduces a brand new mode: Jenga Arcade. Match colors for extra points and score multipliers by moving fast – but don't topple the tower!


A game where players take turns to remove wooden blocks from a stack formed brickwise, the loser being the player whose actions cause the tower to fall. ( ...

Jenga for iPhone

Jenga for iPhone, free and safe download. Jenga latest version: Take your tower to the next level. Bringing the magic of the popular puzzle game Jenga.

Jenga HD v1.6.2

层层叠是一款经典的木制益智积木玩具,它的设计理念来源于古代汉朝的黄肠题凑木模,它简单易玩,能锻炼人的手眼协调能力及意志力,而且能培养平衡力,同时积木搭放的 ...

Jenga IPA Cracked for iOS Free Download

Download cracked Jenga IPA file from the largest cracked App Store, you can also download on your mobile device with AppCake for iOS.

Jenga®AR IPA Cracked for iOS Free Download

2021年2月13日 — Download cracked Jenga®AR IPA file from the largest cracked App Store, you can also download on your mobile device with AppCake for iOS.

Jenga®AR on the App Store

2021年2月13日 — Create a Jenga® Tower in the room with the magic of Augmented Reality! Choose between small blocks on your table, or big blocks on the floor.

在App Store 上的「Jenga®AR」

2021年2月13日 — Create a Jenga® Tower in the room with the magic of Augmented Reality! Choose between small blocks on your table, or big blocks on the floor.


